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Type: Reports

COVID-19 Vaccine Administration: Phase 2 of an in Progress Review in New York State Local Health Departments

Published October 2022 in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research and Public Health.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York State (NYS), local health departments (LHDs) have worked to mitigate the highly infectious disease. As lead public health experts in their communities, LHDs are responsible for providing communicable disease control, emergency response, and establishing immunization programs, including leading large-scale vaccine distribution efforts. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the processes used by LHDs in NYS to administer COVID-19 vaccines, as well as identify successes and challenges, and highlight lessons learned to improve future mass vaccination campaigns. Data were collected in two phases: (1) extant data collection of public communications; and (2) discussion groups with public health leaders across the state. Notable themes from both phases include: partnerships, programmatic elements, communication, role of LHD, State-LHD coordination, and human and physical resources. Analysis of both public and internal communications from LHDs across NYS revealed several core challenges LHDs faced during COVID-19 vaccine rollout and identified innovative solutions that LHDs used to facilitate vaccine access, administration, and uptake in their communities. Findings from this multi-phase qualitative analysis support the need to bolster the capacity and training of the local public health workforce to ensure preparedness for future public health emergencies.

NYSACHO Contributors: Molly Fleming (Sr Program Manager); Emily D’Angelo (Sr Program Manager); Sarah Ravenhall (Executive Director)

New York State Local Health Department Preparedness for and Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An In-Progress Review

Published February 2021 in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 

A mixed-methods approach was taken to describe lessons learned by local health department leaders during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York State and to document leaders’ assessments of their departments’ emergency preparedness capabilities and capacities. Leaders participating in a survey rated the effectiveness of their department’s capabilities and capacities in administrative and public health preparedness, epidemiology, and communications on a scale from 1 to 5; those partaking in focus groups answered open-ended questions about the same 4 topics. Subjects rated intragovernmental activities most effective ( = 4.41, SD = 0.83) and reported receiving assistance from other county agencies. They rated level of supplies least effective ( = 3.03, SD = 1.01), describing low supply levels and inequitable distribution of testing materials and personal protective equipment among regions. Local health departments in New York require more state and federal aid to maintain the public health workforce in preparation for future emergencies.

NYSACHO Contributors: Sarah Ravenhall (Executive Director); Kathryn Simpson (Program Manager); Molly Fleming (Sr Program Manager); Margaret DiManno (Special Project Executive);

New York State Local Health Department Preparedness for and Response to COVID-19: An In-Progress Review (Full Report) 

Published March 2021

This report details the context, process, and findings of an in-progress review of New York State’s LHDs’ preparedness for, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic during its early and apex stages, across the state as a whole and by region. The study’s online survey and focus groups concentrated on four topic areas: administrative preparedness, public health preparedness systems, epidemiology, and communications.

NYSACHO Contributors: Sarah Ravenhall (Executive Director); Molly Fleming (Sr Program Manager); Margaret DiManno (Special Project Executive); Kathryn Simpson (Program Manager);

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