Our Mission
NYSACHO supports, advocates for, and empowers local health departments’ workforce to promote health and wellness, protect communities, and prevent disease, disability, and injury throughout New York State.
Our Vision
NYSACHO is recognized as the collective voice leading policy, education, and advocacy to promote well-funded, appropriately staffed, and expertly trained local health department professionals that reflect our communities; leading to healthy outcomes for all.
Ensuring transparent, ethical, and accountable performance.
Showing regard for self and others and maintaining the environment of team work, growth, and enhancement.
Building passion and shared responsibility to achieve our goals.
Developing and exemplifying the courage to set a course and shape the future of public health.
Leveraging our knowledge and experience to achieve success.
Working together with others to promote excellence in public health through the exchange of ideas, programs and policies.
What is NYSACHO?
NYSACHO, or the New York State Association of County Health Officials, is a membership association of local health departments in New York State. On our website, we provide many public health resources in support of our member departments. We also advocate for local public health professionals, seeking to keep health services a priority in New York State’s budget decisions and supporting media outreach for public education. NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(C) (3) tax exempt status. (Click here to view our current 990 tax form or contact the NYSACHO office at 518-456-7905).