PHPC Sponsor and Exhibitor Information

We invite you to join us for a leading-edge public health conference, our largest event of the year with hundreds of attendees from all parts of New York State and beyond.

Consider becoming a sponsor or exhibitor for the conference. This conference provides a prime opportunity for you to market to and network with key leaders from a multitude of areas in New York State’s health arena.

You will receive significant recognition at the conference and digitally on our websites and in our conference app. The sponsorship prospectus outlines affordable and effective sponsorship and promotional opportunities that will give you focused access to influential conference attendees and decision-makers in public health and healthcare from across New York State .

The conference is tailored to public health educators, academic staff, county health officials and employees, students, medical and dental practitioners, state health employees and others in the field of public health, education and medical care, it will also feature national and state public health experts.

This collaborative conference will also offer scientific sessions in a variety of formats including large plenary sessions and smaller concurrent sessions. Sessions will focus on issues and topics relevant to this year’s theme of Public Health in a Changing World.

Similar to previous years, we are using the conference app Whova, which has great sponsor/exhibitor features for hybrid meetings.



If you have any questions or need additional information before hand, please contact Sara at [email protected] or Purumi at [email protected]

Fast Facts

  • April 30- May 2, 2025
  • Attendees represent a broad spectrum of public health and environmental health professionals: Program administrators, coordinators, health educators, local and state health department officials and staff, nonprofit organizations, healthcare organizations, academia, research, and students
  • Sessions to address best practices, innovations, hot topics, and new and emerging issues in public and environmental health
  • Virtual networking events for all attendees
  • For continually updated information, visit
    * Sponsorships are available on a first come, first served basis.


Exhibitor registration includes registration for one person to staff a booth in our exhibit hall at the Ithaca Conference Center plus a virtual booth utilizing our conference app/online platform, Whova. The conference app gives you the ability to connect with virtual attendees to gather leads and answer questions from both those in-person and virtual attendees. Upload a video, materials and other downloadable information in Whova to start networking weeks before the event begins!

The exhibit hall for 2025 will be open from 10 AM Thursday, May 1st through 12 PM Friday, May 2nd. Exhibitor booths include a ticket for conference attendance, lunch both days plus coffee/tea and snack breaks. Additional booth staff tickets may be purchased when registering.

Want to exhibit at our event but can’t attend in person? Register for a virtual booth! Virtual booths allow you to connect with both in-person and virtual attendees and post videos, share materials, collect leads and chat with others. You can also add a live Zoom session to meet with attendees in your virtual booth!

Exhibit booth rates are as follows:

  • For Profit Exhibitors: $1000
  • Pharma Exhibitors: $1000
  • Non-Profit Exhibitors: $600
  • NYSPHA Organizational Member Exhibitors: $500
  • College/University NYSPHA Member Exhibitors: $500
  • $200 for virtual only booth


Various sponsorships for the event are available on a first-come, first served basis. Each sponsorship includes a variety of benefits from banner advertisements at the conference and in the conference app/online platform to social media recognition and Resource Guide ads. Many sponsorships also include event tickets and exhibitor booths.

Download the sponsor prospectus below for all the sponsorship details and view the sponsorships at glance below. Sponsors will have the ability to connect with virtual attendees to gather leads and answer questions from both those in-person and virtual, upload a video and share materials in Whova to start networking weeks before the event begins!

Conference Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus

Event/Registration Questions

Contact us with any questions by phone or email:

Tel: (518) 427-5835 Email: [email protected]

2025 PHPC Event Partners