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CoOP: Integrative buprenorphine delivery – Increasing treatment access and quality to address Maryland’s overdose epidemic (powerpoint)

Integrating buprenorphine prescribing into OTP
Poster of same model.

Association of Take-Home Naloxone and Opioid Overdose Reversals Performed by Patients in an Opioid Treatment Program

These findings suggest that take-home naloxone supplied to patients in opioid treatment programs may be part of a targeted harm-reduction strategy to reduce negative outcomes associated with opioid overdose in the community.

Integration of a Community Opioid Treatment Program into a Federally Qualified Health Center

An opioid treatment program (OTP) and a federally qualified health center (FQHC) partnered to develop and implement an innovative integrated methadone and primary care treatment model. The process for integrating an OTP and FQHC to provide methadone treatment in the primary care setting will be discussed.

Integrating Harm Reduction into Outpatient Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Settings

The objective of this narrative review is to describe strategies for the integration of evidence-based harm reduction principles and interventions into outpatient, primary care–based OUD treatment settings.

Edith Springer – Best practice stances for working with clients who use drugs

A 1996 guidance document produced by Edith Springer, a pioneer of U.S. Harm Reduction

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