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CCHD is looking for information on how other counties use SPDS/birth certificates. We have been entering de-identified information from birth certs into a data base, but it is somewhat duplicative of the reports that can already be pulled directly from the application. We also call first-time mothers and offer them a home visit, but we have only had one-two accept visits this past year. (Healthy Families and Early Head Start do a great job in this area so there is a decreasing need for us to provide this service). Any thoughts/information on how we can maximize this resource would be greatly appreciated.

December 19, 2019 | Clinton County



Jefferson County

We do not re-enter the information but review the high risk birth certificates for potential services.  It is hard to determine the outcome at times (especially multiple births) so I am always hesitant in contacting the families.  We have not been consistent in using them as a referral source so I would be interested as well in obtaining more information on maximizing this resource.

Schoharie County

We primarily use the Birth Certificate information to offer home visits to all families with new babies (regardless of whether this is their first child). Our nurse is a certified lactation consultant, certified car seat installer, and is trained as an Early Intervention Service Coordinator, so those services are available (as appropriate) if the family accepts a MCH visit. In 2017 we did 191 home visits. If a family has a need for limited ongoing support, our nurse will go in multiple times. Reasons for multiple visits would include: a mom who is struggling with breastfeeding, suspicion of drug use, parents who have lost custody of previous children, potential signs of post-partum depression, a baby who is not gaining weight, etc. Our nurse does nothing medically more technical than an on-site baby weight and/or breastfeeding consult. When there are other medical concerns she will help the parents call to talk to nursing at their primary care and sometimes has spoken to the primary care to explain the need to get mom/baby in to see a physician quickly. Our nurse also works to connect families with any appropriate resources (SNAP, early intervention, etc.) and encourages the family to utilize those services.

Madison County

Madison County uses a similar system.  We export data into a secure access database.   We mail out an informational packet to all births.  The packet includes information on lead (including a risk screen), immunizations, maternal child health, and a general brochure including the health department services.  We have received a good response from the packets.  We have also used the data for our CHA and other data reports.

Essex County

Since Essex County does not have Healthy Families or the Nurse Family Partnership program, we offer a complimentary home visit to all families with newborns residing in the county. The ACAP Early Head Start program does not visit new moms and babies or provide lactation counselling. We receive WIC and hospital referrals and also visit SPDS on a weekly basis for those we missed. We do prioritize high risk moms and babies, first time moms and breastfeeding moms and babies. In 2019 we had 217 births of which we visited 34 families. We also provided a second visit to 19 families. We made 12 MOMS (medicaid billed) visits and 1 antepartum (complimentary) visit in 2019.

Otsego County

We do very similar activities with the birth certificates. We will continue to enter our information into our own database because it gives us up to date information.

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