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NYSACHO 30 Day Amendment Letter FY 24 Executive Budget 

On behalf of the 58 local health departments in New York State, we write to request that several amendments be made to your FY 24 Executive Budget. The changes we recommend will help local health departments (LHDs) implement the health positive policies you have prioritized in this year’s Executive budget. These policies are monumentally important to improved health outcomes and are sure to advance public health in New York State, however, for those where local health departments will be driving the work, the appropriation of funding to localities will be needed to assure that implementation is achievable.

HPV – Early Protection – Social Media Graphic
Flu, Whooping Cough, COVID, Pregnant – Social Media Graphic
COVID-19 – General Population – Social Media Graphic
To Apply or Not to Apply, that is the Question: Effective Grant Seeking Strategies to Build Impactful Programs

February 9, 2023

HPV – Cervical Health Awareness Month 3 – Social Media Graphic
HPV – Cervical Health Awareness Month 2 – Social Media Graphic
HPV – Cervical Health Awareness Month 1 – Social Media Graphic
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NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
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