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Madison County is looking for training’s or a trainer on the subjects of Health Equity and Leadership thinking for our staff. Any suggestions welcomed.

July 25, 2019 | Madison County



Suffolk County

I have held the role of trainer for Cultural Competency and Language Access since joining Suffolk County DOH in 2009. When I give presentations on these topics, I note the demographics of the county (1.5 million residents, 69% White, 7% Black, 4% Asian, 19% Hispanic, 0.5% Native American) from census data, county-specific health disparities data from NYS DOH, and then delve into reasons why these disparities persist, touching upon sensitive topics such as racism/bias, segregation, and limited ability to speak/write English. You will then have to facilitate an open discussion on addressing these issues, which will involve learning about other cultures (Cultural Humility) and how to provide services to the Limited English Proficient (Interpretation/Translation services).There was a training module developed by Long Island Health Collaborative if you are looking for something more formal – I am sure they will be willing to share it with you. (See attachment)

Chermung County

See attachment.

Response Attachments:  Response for Training's or Trainer
Putnam County

As part of our regional CHA work with the Hudson Valley PHIP, the group selected structural racism as a social determinant of health as one of two focus areas. The group wanted to consider how other social determinants are linked to or interact with structural racism to impact health. We formed a workgroup and designed a full day experiential learning event called the Blueprint for Health Equity. I’ve attached the flyer for the event held in Sullivan that gives more of the details. The goal was to have leaders of agencies attend with key staff and then take it back to their agency. At the time our PHIP was called HealthLinkNY now they are Healthe Connections. Hisieni Sacasa is the contact person and she would know more of the details on what speakers we used and the agencies that assisted with the Community Action Poverty Simulation. I was not on this workgroup so only know the broader details. I did attend and it was a very powerful day.

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