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Does your LHD administer the PreK program and also provide direct services to the PreK population? If you provide direct services to the PreK population, please indicate what services you provide.

July 1, 2019 | Otsego County



Saratoga County

Saratoga County does not administer the PreK program, only Early Intervention program and SC services.

Oneida County

Oneida County does administer the PreK program but does not provide any direct services to this population. All service providers are contracted vendors.

St. Lawerence County

I would be interested in responses.

Essex County

We administer but do not provide— I’d be interested in the results. Is this cost effective? or Does it bridge gaps in provider shortage ?

Chenango County

The Chenango County Health Department administers the PreK Program, but does not provide direct services to the PreK population.

Cayuga County

Cayuga County Health Dept. administers the PreK Special Ed program for our county. In part that includes the transportation, tuition and contractor payment, attendance at Preschool committee on special ed. meetings.

We do not provide direct service to children in Preschool Special Ed.

Lorie Fischer is our director of Children with Special Health Care Needs. If you are interested, she would be glad to talk about how we perform these duties. E.g. use of McGuiness software etc..

Niagara County

Niagara County does administer the preschool program for the whole County. In addition, we are currently running 2 SCIS (9165) half day classrooms as a 4410. We have also provided RSO and SEIT services in past school years but currently our therapeutic staff not involved in the classroom is doing all EIP services.

Erie County

Erie does not.

Madison County

In Madison County the LHD does administer the Pre-K program. Services are provided through a network of contracted independent and agency providers.

Services through contracted providers include transportation, Speech/Physical/Occupational therapies, Special Education Teacher services, Teacher of the Visually Impaired services, Special Class Integrated Setting center based services.

Madison County LHD does provide direct services of Speech Therapy through LHD staff.

I would like to receive responses from other counties.

Delaware County

Delaware County administers the Pre-K Program and I have a full-time speech language pathologist and a per diem occupational therapist that provide direct services for Pre-K and EI.

Greene County

Greene County’s PreK program is administered by our LHD. Special education services are provided to Greene County PreK children with IEP’s by agencies or individuals in contract with Greene County. We currently contract with several agencies that provide evaluations, center-based programs and itinerant services. In addition, we have contracts with several independent providers that see children in their homes, daycare or other community settings such as local libraries. PreK services provided by Greene County contractors include special education classrooms: self-contained (SC) and integrated (self-contained in an integrated setting or SCIS) , speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological counseling, special education itinerant services (SEIS) and services for the visually impaired. In addition, Greene County contracts with two agencies to provide transportation for children eligible& approved to attend center-based special education programs. All special education services provided to Greene County children are mandated & regulated by the NYS Education Department. All agencies & independent contractors with Greene County are also licensed, approved & regulated by the NYS Education Department.

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