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My Board of Health voted unanimously last night to call on our Board of Supervisors to ban retail marijuana outlets in our county. In making their decision they relied on the great work done in Nassau County in banning such outlets. I am writing a press release and I would like to know what other counties have taken similar votes.

May 8, 2019 | Columbia County



Wayne County (Diane Devlin)

Wayne County has passed a resolution requesting the gGvernor and the NYS Legislature to hold off on passing legislature to legalize recreational marijuana until more research and planning has been completed. I believe the NYSACHO website has a copy of the resolution that was passed. We have also released a Survey Monkey to the community to see if our residents would support or oppose the passing such law. As of yesterday there are 711 responses and 70% of them support the passing of such law. It definitely shows that the community needs more education.

Essex County (Linda Beers)

I had one township Lewis (J. Monty) write legislation but this is not the entire Counties stand.

NYC (Assunta Rozza)

NYC has not taken a similar vote.

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