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Healthcare Specific Video for Use Video Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Healthcare Specific Video for Use – Spanish
Healthcare Specific Video for Use Video Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Healthcare Specific Video for Use
Myth V. Fact Video 3 Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Myth v. Fact Video – Vaccine and Pregnancy Myth 3

Instructions: To help the visually impaired, please summarize the videos in your post text on all platforms.

Suggested caption: FACT: There is no evidence to show that getting COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of miscarriage.



Myth V. Fact Video 2 Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Myth v. Fact Video – Vaccine and Pregnancy Myth 2

Instructions: To help the visually impaired, please summarize the videos in your post text on all platforms.

Suggested caption: FACT: There is no evidence that fertility problems are a side effect of any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines.


Myth v. Fact Video Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Myth v. Fact Video – Vaccine and Pregnancy Myth 1

Instructions: To help the visually impaired, please summarize the videos in your post text on all platforms.

Suggested caption: FACT: COVID-19 vaccination protects against the higher risk of serious illness for pregnant people who become infected with the virus.


Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Adult – Social Media Graphics
Kids Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Kids – Social Media Graphics
adults-rackcard-zh-2023 Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Adult Rack Card – Chinese
adults-rackcard-es-2023 Covid-19 Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Providers – Adult Rack Card – Spanish
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