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Population: General Audiences

Plenary Part 1 Slides 
Plenary Session Part 1
Fall 2022 Climate and Health Adaptation Workshops: Resource Guide 
Support the Prepare Act
Public Health Reinvestment and Emergency Pandemic Adaptability, Readiness and Efficiency Introduction The public health system in New York State is in crisis. Numerous elements have conspired to weaken our public health response infrastructure to a point of unprecedented fragility due...
Protect funding for local health departments!
COVID-19 is the biggest public health crisis this century! Protect state funding that supports your local public health staff who are working around the clock to fight this disease. It’s been over 10 years since the last pandemic and there...
Call to Action: A10441/S8338 (Rosenthal/Benjamin)
Clear up the Clean Indoor Air Act to protect workers and customers from second-hand smoke and vapor! Secondhand smoke and tobacco vapor is never safe. Separating nonsmokers and smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot stop second-hand smoke. Is...
Contact your local health department Contact your local health department Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Donate Donations help support local health departments Donate Donations help support local health departments
NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
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