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NYS Learning Management System (

The New York State Department of Health’s Learning Management System (or LMS) is a web-based tool designed to facilitate the registration and tracking of learners in competency-based courses for staff in state, local public health and allied health agencies throughout New York.

United States Congress

Access to Resources Regarding Federal Legislation

NYSACHO Request for Increase to Article Six State Aid to Local Health Departments for General Public Health Work 

Why State Support is Crucial

State Aid Base Grants: Flat Grant vs. Per Capita 
Click here for a detailed list of NYSIIS training opportunities.
NACCHO Advocacy/Policy

Information on Important Public Health Policy Activity at the Federal Level. NYSACHO Membership includes NACCHO membership

Including E-Cigarettes in the Existing Clean Indoor Air Act 

Testimony before the Senate Standing Committee on Health to consider including electronic cigarettes in the existing Clean Indoor Air Act and regulating liquid nicotine.

Early Intervention Fiscal Agent Implementation 

Testimony to Joint Legislative Committees on Health, Insurance, and Oversight, Analysis, and Investigations

NYSIIS Training Invitation letter and instructions

Source: New York State Department of Health

Contact your local health department Contact your local health department Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Donate Donations help support local health departments Donate Donations help support local health departments
NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
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