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Lead Testing in School Drinking Water – 2020 Sampling & Reporting Compliance Requirements
Tools that identify and assess programs related to health and well-being in schools

Do any Local Health Department have a survey tool to identify/assess programs related to health/well-being that are relevant in schools? Priority areas of interest include:

  1. Reproductive health
  2. Substance use disorders
  3. Vaping/E-Cigarette use
  4. Trauma counseling
  5. Outside supports
  6. Police counseling
  7. Prevention teams

If willing to share, please send the survey tool you use to us.

Policy Addressing Private Concerns

Does your health department have a policy to addresses the privacy concerns arising from having to serve health dept employees as patients, or their family members as patients. We are interested in policies that address how to mitigate the HIPAA concerns – in other clinical settings a common policy (at least in larger cities) is to ask the client to seek care elsewhere. For Health Dept services this is rarely an option.

If you have a policy on this topic and are willing to share it, please attach to your response.

Homeland Security

Please see attached information about the Homeland Security’s change to the immigration public charge rule. As of October 15, 2019, the new rule would expand what constitutes a public charge for immigration applications and adjustments of status. NYSACHO is working with the Department of Health and Office for New Americans to host a webinar on how the public charge rule will impact the services you provide to community members. Please send us any questions you have about this rule and what you would like the State to address during a webinar that is specific to local health departments (please be as detailed as possible).

Gun Violence from a public health perspective

I would like to hear from counties that are working to address issues related to gun violence from a public health perspective. Any information on collaborative efforts within your counties, data points used to define the problem, and evidence based strategies for prevention and intervention would be appreciated.

Pre-K Special Education Transportation

We recently renewed our PreK transportation contract via an rfp. The awarded bid is significantly higher than our previous rate. We are now paying per bus, not per child. Additionally, there is a genuine shortage of school bus drivers throughout our region.
We are trying to hire some drivers as part time employees of our county to alleviate the odd route bringing a lower number of child/ren and potentially curb costs. We encourage families to transport their own child and pay them mileage. Do counties have any other ideas or creative approaches they are doing to assist in keeping transportation costs lower?

Nurses and their multiple roles

Do the nurses in your department do any work beyond running clinics? If so, what other work are they doing? What titles, beyond those traditional nursing roles, are your nurses filling? What is the title/name of the division your nurses work under (aside from nursing specific services)?

EL SPA County Feedback August 2019

There is a proposed change within the EI State Plan Amendment that would create two separate fixed rates for ISC with billing related time requirements that we predict most counties would not meet. We are concerned that this could have a fiscal impact to counties, so we plan to reach out to BEI this week for clarity. This proposed change is currently sitting with CMS for final approval.

Attached is the State Plan Amendment with attention to pages 24 (Method of Reimbursement) and 27 (change in payment methodology), as well as a list of questions that NYSACHO will bring forth to The Bureau of Early Intervention.

Contact your local health department Contact your local health department Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Donate Donations help support local health departments Donate Donations help support local health departments
NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
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