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NYSACHO supports the Covered Lives proposal and urges the Governor and Legislature to include a covered lives assessment of $40 million in the FY 2020-2021 budget. 
NYSACHO Testimony 2020-2021 State Health Budget 
Statement from Executive Director Sarah Ravenhall on NYSACHO’s Testimony at the January 30, 2020 Legislative Hearing on the Executive Budget 
Local Health Officials Respond to State of the State Message 

Laud Governor’s Plans to Fight Vaping, Opioids and Tobacco and Oppose Adult Use Cannabis Linked to Vaping Illnesses and Fatalities

SWOT Analysis

Madison County is starting our next strategic plan and is looking for some feedback from our partner counties. First, if any county has done a strategic plan in the last 12 months, I would be interested in the findings from their SWOT analysis (if they did one), and in particular, their answers to the Threats and Opportunities piece of SWOT.

SPDS Birth Certificate

CCHD is looking for information on how other counties use SPDS/birth certificates. We have been entering de-identified information from birth certs into a data base, but it is somewhat duplicative of the reports that can already be pulled directly from the application. We also call first-time mothers and offer them a home visit, but we have only had one-two accept visits this past year. (Healthy Families and Early Head Start do a great job in this area so there is a decreasing need for us to provide this service). Any thoughts/information on how we can maximize this resource would be greatly appreciated.

Tyler Muni E Hips Integration

Are any counties currently using Tyler Munis financial software for health department permitting, licensing and fee collection, and if so, how does it integrate with Ehips?

If you are not using Munis, was it ever considered and if so, what were the reasons why it was not utilized?

NYSACHO Strategic Plan PowerPoint 
Contact your local health department Contact your local health department Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Job Openings Looking for a job in public health? Donate Donations help support local health departments Donate Donations help support local health departments
NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
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